we are Zolay

female run, diversity driven


Zolay is a group of people dedicated to making the internet a little brighter.

We aren’t just any highly intelligent, badass woman-led team, though: we are THE team to hire.
Mandy Hoskinson founded Zolay in LA with a vision of an agency that created great work, at great prices, while hiring (and taking care of) a great team. More than just the work, she also wanted to create a company that did good for the world, so she added a job training and pro-bono arm. We are artistic, analytical, and somehow still the most approachable option you can find. *Horns tooted.* We provide warm and creative solutions to the ever changing landscape that is social media, and we can’t wait to work with you.

our values


If brands and organizations hope to appeal to a changing, expanding world, they need to have team members that represent that world. Zolay makes special efforts to make our company an accessible place to work in order to foster diverse talent. That means you can feel better about where you’re putting your funds, and it also means you’ll get much more interesting content output along the way.


We go the extra mile for you. We want the messaging to be right. We want the design to be right. We want the collaborations smooth. If you're not satisfied, we're not done.


This is a must for us. Most of our team members have a creative practice outside of Zolay: from filmmaking to writing sitcoms to painting elephants, we’ve got someone on the team who does it. You’ll find that our content has that artsy edge, even the most stringent B2B clients can afford a little bit of creative spark. We’re ready to bring it.


Above all, we recognize the humanity of work. Collaboration requires being good to each other. Zolay brings sunshine. Zolay brings warmth.

our approach

Engagement First - social media engagement is your brand’s frontline. That’s the plain truth. From responding to comments and mentions, as well as entering conversations adjacent to the brand, engagement is the key to successful social media in 2022. Zolay prioritizes this aspect of social media, creating documentation, contingency plans, staffing redundancy and consistent client check-ins to make sure it is running smoothly. All engagement is done in house, by real people, in the US.

Data Driven Decisions - Social media is above all, an experiment. In an industry with constantly changing tech, influencers, and APIs, constant change is required to keep up. Consider us your trusty scientists. We’ve done thousands of “experiments” (posts), and we’ll be using data to conduct even more of them. Each time we learn something new, we’ll incorporate it into your strategy and keep going.

Audience Awareness - In order to avoid a crisis, it’s key to know your audience. Cultural communications, once an unknown concept, is coming to the forefront of marketing strategies everywhere. We specialize in this content, and do client work focused on a wide array of demographics.

Relationship Focused - At the end of the day, we will be working with you, our client, a lot. Tools will fail, copy will need changes, and platforms will change. Being an ongoing service provider means that we’re signing up to maintain a relationship with you. This matters to us. We put in the time to make sure we communicate clearly, and often.

our Instagram

follow us at @zolaystudio